引进美国本土教材,全英文教学,学生需注册美国德州或加州(top10%的学生注册加州)顶级私立高中学籍,学制采取3+1模式,即9-11年级在中国校区入读,12年级去美国完成高中学业,参加毕业典礼,颁发美国本校高中毕业证书。学生可根据自身语言和学术水平,个人偏好,目标大学,职业发展,生活意向等情况,选取STEAM美高指定合作学校就读12年级。 美国本土学校为K12学校,高中阶段为9-12年级,分为东西校区两个部分。
North America Joint Class: STEAM International School has collaborated with Carrolton Christian Academy, Texas, USA. We follow the course structure of Carrolton and use their textbooks. The class is conducted in English and top 10% of the students is allowed to register with Chadwick School in California, USA. We construct our courses according to high school in US, with Grade 9 to 12. Students who have completed Grade 11 are proceeding to Grade 12 in the US high school and receive the US high school diploma. Upon graduation in high school, students can apply to American universities to their liking.